Friday, July 23, 2004

Tragoedia Interruptus

Dear faithful Tony's readers,
I'd like to take just a moment of your time in between installments of the Pat Tragedy Story to direct you to another blog. This favor has been done for me by others and I feel that I need to pass it on.

Paul Taylor is a friend of mine and he recently started a blog. If you're interested in articulate, well thought out opinions, check him out. If you're happy with the crap I write, then just stay here for heaping pagefuls.

I'm apolitical at best, so I can't say that I agree with Paul's view on everything, but he makes every point very well. Well enough to make me think a bit. I have Excedrin on hand every time I bring up his site. Paul make Tony brain hurt.

So just because he's a pinko commie freak, don't let that stop you from reading some good stuff. (He also writes about some cool music, too!) And please, like I've begged you to do on my site, leave him some FEEDBACK. Good or bad, we hacks love to read our press.
Find a link to Paul's page on my sidebar (Over there <------), Paul's Rants And Raves. 

More Pat Tradegy bio coming up later this weekend! Keep comin' back, I really do appreciate it.